
2024 Graduates from Cégep de Drummondville

Portrait(s), reflets et mémoire, 2024 - crédit : Éliane Excoffier

Portrait(s), reflets et mémoire

1 June
16 June 2024

Opening June 01, 2024 1p.m.


Presented annually at DRAC since 2007, the exhibition allows visitors to discover the work of the graduating students of the visual arts program at Cégep de Drummondville. Presenting works made in a wide variety of mediums, the group exhibition brings together singular practices that reflect the concerns of these artists at the beginning of their professional careers. Portrait(s), reflets et mémoire is a fitting representation of these rather personal, even introspective pieces, which reflect the path they have taken during their formation.

2024 graduates: Léa Albert, Alicia Arcand, Louanne Bégin, Marianne Cardinal, Laure-Charlotte Côté, Mathilde Couture, Jean David Bégin, Frédéric Dion, Élaina Dragon, Anaïs Faucher Crochetière, Frédérick Fortier, Léonard Giguère, Mathis Giguère, Kevin Jordy Souopgwi Kengne, Naomy Montbleau, Alexis Montcalm, Zacharie O’Bomsawin, Grace Esther Pli, Gabrielle Rancourt, Thuy Tran.


As part of the exhibition, mediations will be offered by a few of the graduating students to help you discover the themes explored and the mediums of the works on display. It's an appointment not to be missed for a chance to learn a little more about their creative process that begun at the start of 2024.

Mediation schedule:

Fridays, June 7 and June 14, 2024: 4 :30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Saturdays, June 8 and June 15, 2024: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Sundays, June 2nd, June 9 and June 16, 2024: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

They're free and open to all, with no reservation required.

Press release

• Emmanuelle Leblond (June 13, 2024). « Une vingtaine de finissants exposent chez DRAC », Journal L’Express, p. 17.