
Partout les empreintes nous précèdent

Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc

25 February
9 April 2023

Opening reception February 25, 2023 – 1 p.m.


Partout les empreintes nous précèdent is an exhibition that brings together a body of work with a theme of architecture and archaeological imagery. The title of the exhibition is freely inspired by the book La ressemblance par contact - Archéologie, anachronisme et modernité de l'empreinte by Georges Didi-Huberman. Thus, the elements presented are at the same time fragments of found objects, assemblages, printed images and prints made by the artist.

The spatial arrangement of the objects invites visitors to enter the colourful and abundant universe of Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc. The objects and prints are installed as artifacts on the walls of the exhibition centre. Drawing on archaeological strategies such as marking, masking tape and grids to delineate certain areas, the artist brings together all the small objects in her collection to create a singular visual experience for the public.

Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc is particularly interested in the notions of imitation and reproduction to create iterations of her objects and images. She presents a set of strategies that copy, imitate and reproduce the same objects, images and textures with which the artist has been experimenting for several years. Working in this way, her artistic practice is a seductive false truth that confuses reality with artifice.


The artist thanks Kevin Dubeau for the 3D printing of sculptures and Josianne Desrochers for the making of plaster casts.

INTERVIEW - Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc

This exhibition is possible thanks to the support of